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(note that the most recent activities are added to the top of the page.  please scroll down to review earlier activities.)

January 24, 2017

School Board Presentation

BrainSpaces presented a summary of the project progress.  Board members and community members present were invited to ask questions, which have been added to our Q & A page:

See the video here:  Board Presentation Video

Take a look at the slides here: BSI_PRES_QuakerValleyHS_2017-0124_BoardMtg

December 8, 2016

Community Forums

Community members were invited to tour the high school, hear about the project and offer their ideas during 2 separate sessions offered on the evening of December 8th.

Sessions were largely interactive and conversational, prompted by powerpoint slides. Take a look at the slides here: BSI_PRES_QuakerValleyHS_2016-1208_Web

December 7-8, 2016

Student Insight Sessions

Small groups of students were invited to offer their ideas and insights for the new high school.  Sessions included both formal group discussions and drop-in conversations.

Students were also invited to share thoughts on large scale posted sheets which posed the same questions as our on-line survey:  see the questions and add your voice HERE.

December 8, 2016

Staff Introduction

Teacher & staff ideas and insights are critical to the success of the project.  During this meeting, the consultant team briefed the whole group on what to expect during the process and how they can participate along the way.  Following the introductory session, our team met with a steady stream of small groups of teachers, staff and students for initial conversations about their needs and ideas for the building.  Additional topic-based small groups will be conducted throughout the process to allow all staff to share their ideas.

December 7, 2016

Planning Advisory Team

PAT members convened to continue the visioning process for the high school.  A summary of "Emerging Themes" from activities to date was presented and discussed.  Themes were further explored through several hands-on activities.  See the presentation slides here:  BSI_PRES_QuakerValleyHS_2016-1207_web

December 7, 2016

Student-led Tour

While the BrainSpaces team had previously toured the high school building and grounds, we also requested to be led through the building by students to hear and see their ideas and insights.

Students highlighted the activities, courses and teachers that they love about the school, while also pointing out the challenges of the current school building.  Some of these challenges include narrow hallways, windowless spaces, crowded conditions, and the confusing/complex network of hallways and stairways.

November 5, 10, 12, 17, 2016

MAYA-led Visioning Sessions

Consultants from MAYA Design led 4 sessions to explore ideas and visions for the high school. In addition to District representatives and BrainSpaces consultants, participants included students, parents, teachers and community members.

A summary of findings from these sessions is being prepared by MAYA Design, and will be available for download soon...



October 4-5, 2016

Project Kick-Off

Kick-off activities for envisioning the future of QVHS took place on October 4th and 5th.  Activities included tours of the existing campus, the  middle school, the public library, and the surrounding community.

On the 4th, consultants from BrainSpaces and MAYA Design met with the Leadership Team to fine-tune the "Game Plan".

On the 5th, consultants facilitated a 4-hour workshop with the Planning Advisory Team to begin envisioning the future of high school learning environments in Quaker Valley.  Slides from the workshop can be accessed here:  bsi_pres_quakervalleyhs_2016-1005_web


