Guiding Principles

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FIRST DRAFT - Version 1.0 

(scroll down to see each Guiding Principle and examples of how each might be translated into facilities)

We often think of programming and planning as establishing tangible and quantifiable goals for a project.  While this is a key part of the process, the most important element is often left out.  That element is visioning.  The stronger and more persuasive the vision for educational facilities - the more power the team will have to attain each goal throughout the project’s development. This process should precede any programming or planning work on the project in order to focus participant input and design ideas throughout the project’s development.

For QVHS, the planning process is beginning with an exploration of possibilities without much regard for general physical or operational constraints. When anything is possible, the discussion can focus on what is best for your vision. During the visioning process, many stakeholder voices are being solicited and heard. Precedents and best practices from throughout the country are being reviewed.  Local successes and challenges are also being explored.  Through engaged visioning, a common set of values is resulting, supporting a commonly held set of desired outcomes. These values translate into guiding principles for the planning and design of the new school building.  The first draft of these principles is emerging!

Your guiding principles will be instrumental in keeping both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the project on track. The design team must know how requests for physical space fit into the larger scheme of things. What does it mean to the District and its stakeholders (students, parents, staff, community, etc)? What is the core motivation? All further issues, ideas and decisions can then be evaluated on their ability to support these principles. At the completion of the project, when everyone is using their new facilities, the guiding principles become the measure of a job well done.

All identified Guiding Principles are important to the success of the QVHS project, thus they are included below in no particular order or hierarchy.

Each principle is accompanied by examples of spaces that illustrate potential interpretations of concepts identified.

At Quaker Valley High School

Occupants Enjoy Safe, Healthy & Nurturing Environments

On the QVHS property, both inside and out, students and staff will BE and FEEL safe. Occupants will be safe and secure through a school climate that is accessible, welcoming, nurturing and healthy. Such an environment reinforces achievement by eliminating distractions caused by fear, judgment, poor air quality, temperature swings, and inadequate lighting while also promoting exploration, innovation, confidence and productive risk taking.



Examples & Potential Interpretations:

At Quaker Valley High School

Innovation is Sustained, Hands-On is Supported, & Collaboration is Expected

Unique and varied spaces are required to support curricular and co-curricular programs that integrate theoretical, conceptual and practical knowledge provide the authentic, real-world relevance that students crave. Relevance, personalization and choice are key motivators, connecting students to understanding and knowledge while empowering them to take responsibility for their own academic success. QV High School will include learning environments for a rigorous and challenging curriculum offered through interesting, engaging, relevant, hands-on, and innovative courses from which students can choose.



Examples & Potential Interpretations:

At Quaker Valley High School

The School is a Hub of Activity and a Source of Community Pride

The new QVHS will be a source of pride for past, current and future generations of students by serving as a hub of activity and a place of life-long learning.  Facilities and grounds will include ample space for exhibition and display of current and past student creativity, promoting the pride of ownership and the celebration of the QVHS community. The new campus will be evidence that resources were used effectively and efficiently, illustrating a measurable return on investment, thus sustaining the current districtwide culture of accountability, trust and mutual support.



Examples & Potential Interpretations:

At Quaker Valley High School

Physical Characteristics of the School Inspire Learning & Participation

An inspirational environment is vital for supporting high quality teaching and learning. Facilities will be aesthetically and culturally attractive, playful and engaging. The image of the new school will inspire its occupants, welcome community members, and strengthen the positive identity and distinctiveness of QVHS. Elements of the building itself will serve as teaching tools. The campus will include connections to outdoor environments for exploring, learning, playfulness, and environmental stewardship.



Examples & Potential Interpretations:

At Quaker Valley High School

The School is a Dynamic Environment that can Adapt to Meet Varying Needs

QVHS facilities will be flexible to support varying needs of its community, while also incorporating strategies for easy adaptability to support future / unknown programs, activities and operational strategies. To facilitate everyday activities, a variety of space types will be available, and spaces will be designed to accommodate multiple functions wherever possible.  Adaptability and Choice are key for the facility to maintain its value and relevance both daily and throughout the logical life of the building itself.



Examples & Potential Interpretations:

At Quaker Valley High School

Diverse Student Characteristics, Interests & Abilities are Nurtured

The student population reflects the diversity of the community it serves. The design of the school will recognize the power of all students. The styles of learning, interests, strengths and abilities of ALL students will be celebrated. Students of all cultures and ethnicities, are welcome, respected and supported. The campus will be easily accessible for occupants and visitors. In addition to core programs, a wealth of electives as well as activities, clubs, athletics and the like offer multiple venues to develop and celebrate student individuality.



Examples & Potential Interpretations:

At Quaker Valley High School

Meaningful Relationships Empower Students & Staff

Positive teacher-student relationships draw students into the process of learning and inspire their desire to learn. QV High School will support meaningful relationships, effective communication and collaboration among and between students, their families, staff and the wider community to motivate achievement, satisfaction and productivity and the joy of learning. Each student should be connected to responsible, approachable and caring adult advocates. Student anonymity has no place in the high school.



Examples & Potential Interpretations:

At Quaker Valley High School

A Wide Range of Developmental Needs are Supported

Empowering the whole student, not just her/his intellect, will help cultivate students as curious, empathetic, resilient, interesting, healthy, confident young adults.  The design of the school will be tailored to support the wide range of developmental needs of 14 to 18 year-olds.  Students will have choices and options for social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth.


Examples & Potential Interpretations:

At Quaker Valley High School

Learning Extends Past the Bell Schedule & Beyond the School Campus

QVHS will encourage students to engage the world beyond the walls of their school. Relationships with outside organizations, institutions, other schools, individuals, and the great outdoors strengthen educational programs and offer real-world and applied learning opportunities.  Students can be both teachers and mentors, supporting high expectations for a culture of community collaboration. Community expertise and environments will be leveraged for mutual benefit.



Examples & Potential Interpretations:

At Quaker Valley High School

21st Century Tools are Readily Available to Support Authentic, Relevant and Interesting Activities

The high school will be equipped with the materials, resources and technology required of 21st century teaching and learning.  Technology can enable a community where learning is available for everyone, at any time, and in any place, and as such should be current, reliable and readily accessible. Additional resources such as training, books, supplies, and other instructional materials should be available and easily accessible to teachers and learners. Authentic learning is also enabled by great teachers and staff who have a system of supports – from professional development to peer collaboration to appropriate resources to adequate physical space – to empower teachers to innovate, collaborate, and make the decisions needed to meet the best interest of students.



Examples & Potential Interpretations:

At Quaker Valley High School

[New Guiding Principle]

Additional principles may be developed as more is learned during the process.  Have an idea?  Let us know!



Examples & Potential Interpretations: